Our Coupons

Chevrolet Equinox FREE Loaner Vehicles
Now Available! (2) 2019 Chevrolet Equinox FREE Loaner Vehicles. Available when your vehicle needs extended time in the shop. Pre-scheduling is required. Sorry not available for oil changes and quick minor repairs.
Due to high demand, we can only guarantee availability if pre-scheduled.
Expires: 1/01/2025

New customers enjoy a 20% Discount off any Parts or Labor. Excludes Batteries,Tires, Oil Change Services and Towing.
Not valid with any other offer.
Expires: 1/1/2025

Coolant Flush
We are heading into the summer and months, this is the time to be aware of your coolant condition. Come in and see us we will analyze you coolant also test for it's temp capabilities. Recommend flush every 30k or 3 years.
Expires: 1/01/2025

FREE CAR WASH WITH Oil, Lube, Filter
You will receive 1 FREE Car Wash redeemable at any of our Anderson Convenience Market car wash locations. A $9.99 value FREE! Thanks for being a great customer. This coupon may not be used with any other coupon offer.
Expires: 1/01/2025

Used car inspection $ 69.95 value. Looking for a good used car? Have it inspected before you purchase. We will look it over to help you find any possible issues so you may also make a good decision on your purchase.
Expires: 1/01/2025